Life Cube is pleased to present:
RedHawk Survival Training Institute - Wilderness Survival, Outdoor Adventures, Emergency Preparedness RedHawk Survival Training Institution provides advanced marine, wilderness and natural disaster preparedness survival training including protocol guidance to recognize and apply safety measures, prevention, response and recovery protocol in various metropolitan, urban, rural, marine and remote wilderness locations and environments. RedHawk staff work hard to develop relationships with local, national and global aid responders, manufacturers, sponsors, and governing departments, agencies, and associations, who understand life-threatening emergencies, disasters, preventable events, firsthand responses, including the scale of impact during the immediate and long-term aftermath trauma and cost of such events. FAQ: Why do you like Life Cube shelters? “I have been consulting, designing and setting up remote base camps for 25 plus years for emergency disasters/planning management in the mining, gas/oil exploration industry and scientific and research explorations, and for some other companies/groups too in some of the harshest conditions on earth. Hell on earth to be honest and I can tell you, our Life Cubes are the best that can be deployed by road, air or sea to any location for any project around the world. They are designed and built to even fit inside of RedHawk Vanair state-of-the-art hovercrafts to be deployed in locations and conditions where no other piece of equipment on earth can operate. By purchasing Life Cubes, you are incorporating them into your field toolbox. I am confident it will minimize many risk factors and give you leading edge advantage in field equipment, for deployment, setup and take down time, cost of operations and projects completed within or before scheduled timelines, due to such state-of-the-art equipment being onsite.” Captain Cory Burry RedHawk remote survival training courses are available for field management and crew teams working remotely in coastal, arctic and alpine mountain regions. Explore here: Courses at RedHawk Survival Training Institute ( RedHawk Newfoundland Survival Ltd now offers Life Cube Products! Comments are closed.